ABOUT Alpha Health Center

Welcome to my website. Thank you for taking the time to browse around. My name is Dr. Jeff Lissenden and I go by "Dr. Jeff" in my office. Let me tell you a little about myself, and share with you why I do what I do. When I was in high school I had a sports injury and went to a Chiropractor for help.
I was amazed at how quickly he was able to help me get back to doing what I loved. Because of that experience, I knew that helping people through Chiropractic was my calling. I am passionate about helping people get well without the use of drugs and surgery.
I graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. I opened my practice in Virginia Beach, Virginia and was there for about 17 years. In 2004, I became certified as a Personal Trainer. In 2006, I relocated to Greensboro, North Carolina. I am passionate about good nutrition and fitness and I take a holistic approach to overall health and wellness.
In my office, I use a variety of adjusting techniques. Based on what I find in your exam, I'll use the one that will get the best results for your particular case. In most cases, I will also use physiotherapy and rehab to help the healing process. The primary goal is to get you well as quickly as possible. If you are not fond of traditional manual adjustment let me know as I can use low force adjusting and still get great results.
I also have an amazing weight loss program. It's amazing because it works quickly and it works for everybody IF they follow it. I did extensive research and reading on the topic of obesity and weight loss. My program is not more of the same thing you have heard of "eat less and exercise more" because that often does not work.
I thoroughly enjoy what I do every day: helping people get well through natural Chiropractic care. This is why you see "Toward Better Health" at the top of my website. That's what it is all about.
Please don't hesitate to call my office and schedule an appointment. I am here to help you reach your health goals and I will work hard to get you there.
I Peter 4:10
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.

9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Alpha Health Center
1320 SE Maynard Rd Suite 102
Cary, NC 27511